Posts Tagged ‘health’

Functional Exercise-Dr Vladimir Janda-Timeless Quotes and Concepts

May 7, 2014

Posted by:  Kevin G. Parker, D.C.

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Today is the 10th anniversary of Dr. Vladimir Janda’s passing.

In remembrance of him, the following are quotes and concepts from Dr. Janda, a pioneer in muscle imbalance and chronic musculoskeletal pain.

His philosophy was considered ‘ahead of his time’ and his teachings continue to be seen in daily practice.

Dr. Janda’s philosophy seems timeless…

On movement and control:

There are 2 main schools of thought in musculoskeletal medicine: Structural and Functional

The sensorimotor system is one entity and cannot be functionally separated

The unconscious reaction and speed of contraction are the most important for functional stability, not strength

A muscle can be as strong as possible, but if it doesn’t fire at the right time, it’s useless

Reflexive stabilization is a pre-requisite for coordinated movement

Motor control programs in the CNS are the basis for all human movement

Functionally, muscles work together in slings, chains and loops

The muscular system lies at a ‘functional crossroad’ since it is influenced by stimuli from both the CNS and PNS

3 key areas of proprioceptive input are the cervical spine, SI joint, and sole of the foot

All systems in the human body function automatically except for the musculoskeletal system

Muscles are vulnerable and labile structures that provide a window into the function of the sensorimotor system

On pain and dysfunction:

Pain is the only way the musculoskeletal system can protect itself

Pain symptoms are not a reliable indicator in chronic pain syndromes

Chronic musculoskeletal pain is mediated by the central nervous system

Compensations within chains create more dysfunctional movement

Changes in the sensorimotor system are reflected by changes elsewhere in the system

The pelvic chain is the key in most musculoskeletal dysfunction

Protective reflexes serve as the basis for all human movement and dominate in pathology

Structural lesions rarely cause pain themselves; muscles are most often the cause of pain

Often, the site of pain is not the cause of pain

Altered peripheral input due to pain leads to changes in muscle activation, causing faulty movement patterns

Defective motor learning prevents the motor system from properly reacting or adapting to different changes in the body

Many signs and symptoms of impaired function have a hidden cause in an unrecognized dysfunction located elsewhere –

On muscle imbalance:

Muscle imbalance is a systematic and predictable response of the motor system

Muscles respond predictably to pain and pathology at peripheral joints

Tonic muscles are prone to tightness and phasic muscles are prone to weakness

Altered tension is the first response to nociception by the sensorimotor system

Typical muscle response to joint dysfunction is similar to spastic muscles in structural CNS lesions

Tight muscles are readily activated during movement because of a lowered irritability threshold

The presence of a “crossed syndrome” indicates the presence of CNS-mediated muscle imbalance

Muscle imbalance is compounded by a lack of movement through regular physical activity

Muscle imbalance is an impaired relationship between muscles prone to facilitation and muscles prone to inhibition

Prolonged muscle tightness leads to fatigue, which ultimately decreases the force available to meet postural and movement demands

The patterns of muscle imbalance are based on the neurodevelopment of the tonic and phasic muscle systems

Muscle imbalance is an expression of impaired regulation of the neuromuscular system that is manifested as a systematic response often involving the entire body

Muscle imbalance in todays society is compounded by stress, fatigue, and insufficient movement through regular physical activity as well as a alack of variety of movement

The presence of a Crossed Syndrome indicates CNS-mediated pain

On evaluating and treating muscle imbalance syndromes:

Every ‘body’ tells a story… let the body speak to you

Postural stability is a reflection of the function of the sensorimotor system

Time spent in assessment will save time in treatment

The test is the exercise; the exercise is the test

There are 2 stages in motor re-learning: voluntary and automatic

First and foremost, normalize the periphery and increase proprioceptive input

Stretching the tight antagonist often restores activation of the agonist

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